Спустя 7 месяцев после клеточной терапии сообщает: До терапии стволовыми клетками каждое утро меня мучила боль и жесткость в левом коленном суставе. Из-за сильной боли я не мог взять на руки моего маленького ребенка. Не мог отнести его наверх или вниз. Я ходил в тренажерный зал чтобы постепенно увеличить силу мышц вокруг больного колена, но боль была просто невыносимой и мне пришлось прекратить. Боль стала беспокоить меня даже вследствие минимальной нагрузки или когда менялась погода. Колено болело даже при ходьбе. Бег был абсолютно невозможен. После введения стволовых клеток жесткость сустава исчезла полностью. Хотя минимальная боль еще присутствует, если я слишком много тренируюсь. На горном велосипеде я смог добраться до вершины горы Прадед (высота 1492 метра над уровнем моря) в Северной Моравии. Прогулки для меня теперь совершенно безболезненны. В настоящее время я могу пробегать 1 км без боли. Я постоянно улучшаю свои результаты благодаря моим собственным стволовым клеткам.
Описывает свое состояние через 2 года после проведения клеточной терапии: Мое левое бедро очень болело, я была на обезболивающих более 2 лет, и моей единственной альтернативой была операция по замене тазобедренного сустава искусственным. Я не хотела операцию, потому что я знала о возможных рисках и осложнениях. Я выбрала более безопасный способ - собственные стволовые клетки. Получение жировой ткани с живота не было болезненным, хотя до этой процедуры я немного боялась. После введения клеток улучшение появились почти сразу и спустя 4 месяца боль практически исчезла. Спустя 1 год после клеточной терапии результаты были еще лучше. Боли больше не было совсем, я даже могла работать в саду. Я гораздо лучше хожу, нет проблем с выходом из автомобиля или с долгими прогулками. Я думаю, очень важно следовать инструкциям вашего врача, который действительно имеет опыт в области клеточной терапии. Сначала я прошла эту процедуру на левом бедре и спустя 6 месяцев - на правом. Теперь я подумываю пройти эту процедуру для коленей. Я на 100% удовлетворена этой клеточной терапией.
Описывает спустя 10 месяцев: Играя в теннис я получил нехорошую травму правого колена. Разрыв крестообразной связки и повреждение хряща. Я прочитал о клеточной терапии в интернете и обсудил с лечащим врачом. Моя семья также поддерживала меня в этом решении. Интервенция и введение клеток безболезненно. Спустя 4 месяца после процедуры я уже не чувствовал никакой боли. Колено не ограничивает меня в движении, я могу ходить вверх и вниз и занимаюсь несколькими видами спорта, включая теннис, езду на велосипеде, походы, катание на лыжах. Я могу уверенно рекомендовать применение стволовых клеток в случае, когда они необходимы для лечения. Я считаю инвестиции в свое здоровье самыми лучшими. Если я должен буду пройти это лечение снова, я сделаю это без колебаний.
Спустя 3,5 лет клеточной терапии рассказывает: Для минимизации боли, а иногда и отечности правом колене, мой ортопед предложил инъекции кортизона и анальгетики. Я не хотела мириться с таким подходом и мне удалось найти опытного врача, который предложил клеточную терапию с использованием моих собственных клеток из жировой ткани. Несмотря на то, что получение жира из живота было не очень приятно, я перенесла процедуру без каких-либо проблем. В течение первой недели после процедуры клеточной терапии колено было чувствительно, но потом боль ушла, а отек больше не появлялся. Спустя год колено столо лучше, чем новое! В настоящее время я очень довольна результатом, учитывая, что в течение этих нескольких лет я живу без каких-либо неприятностей или боли. Я могу ходить по лестнице без проблем. Теперь я сравниваю ощущения с ситуацией до клеточной терапии. Прежде у меня были большие трудности при ходьбе и колено очень болело. После применения стволовых клеток боль ушла, через несколько месяцев я могла ходить достаточно быстро. В последнее время я полюбила походы, я могу ходить довольно быстро и недавно начала готовиться к походу в горы на одну неделю. Кроме того, больше нет необходимости принимать какие-либо лекарственные препараты. Если мне придется пройти эту процедуру еще раз, я, безусловно, сделаю это.
Спустя 1 год после процедуры клеточной терапии сообщает: Я попал в аварию на "сверхлегком" самолете и получил внутрисуставный перелом и дефект хряща левого колена. Вся левая нога была раздавлена. Введение стволовых клеток было предложено в дополнение к хирургической фиксации костей для улучшения процесса заживления и восстановления хряща и других функций сустава. Я почувствовал значительное улучшение примерно через месяц. Боль прекратилась. Я могу нормально спать всю ночь без боли. Я чрезвычайно счастлив. Также я могу вставать на колени и подниматься и спускаться по лестнице, не чувствуя боли. Боль полностью исчезла.
Описывает свой опыт клеточной терапии спустя 3 года: Примерно через два месяца после применения моих собственных клеток я смогла предпринять поездку на море. Перед процедурой я едва могла ходить! Я могла ходить только когда принимала болеутоляющие средства. Иногда они расстраивают мой желудок, иногда я получаю синяки из-за этих обезболивающих. Применение стволовых клеток очень мне помогло, после трех лет я могу ходить, могу работать в саду и делать почти все мои повседневные дела. Я очень счастлива и довольна результатом. Основная причина этого лечения заключалась в том, что я не хотела, чтобы другие врачи вставляли в меня свои ножи или резали меня. Эта процедура клеточной терапии была безболезненна. Перед ее проведением я могла только волочить ноги за собой. В настоящее время я могу нормально ходить, а также подниматься и спускаться по лестнице без каких-либо проблем.
По прошествии 22 месяцев после клеточной терапии рассказывает: Мне понравилось, что не пришлось ждать и то, как быстро была выполнена процедура лечения стволовыми клетками. Даже в процессе введения клеточного концентрата я не чувствовал никакой боли или давления, и, когда он был закончен, я пошел домой сам без каких-либо проблем. Три месяца спустя я отметил существенное улучшение. Эффект клеточной терапии длительный и ощущается даже сейчас, спустя почти 2 года. Безусловно, качество моей жизни в целом значительно улучшилось. Кроме того, намного улучшилась подвижность суставов. Когда я перетренируюсь, появляется минимальная боль. Если появятся проблемы с другими суставами, я, безусловно, снова пройду курс лечения стволовыми клетками.
Спустя 2 года и 2 месяца после клеточной терапии сообщает: Я очень страдал от боли в обоих бедрах. Плохо передвигался, даже не мог сидеть. По ночам я не мог спать из-за ужасной боли и был вынужден спать полусидя. Обезболивающие и местные кремы против боли не особенно помогали. Мой хирург-ортопед рекомендовал операцию по замене сустава искусственным сначала на одной, затем на другой стороне. Тогда мне оставался год до запланированного выхода на пенсию. Так что я не хотел оставлять работу на несколько месяцев и рисковать потерей некоторой части дохода, когда я, наконец, уйду в отставку. Так я решился на применение стволовых клеток для обоих бедер за одну процедуру. Мои стволовые клетки сработали очень хорошо и оправдали все мои ожидания, даже превзошли их. Боль почти прекратилась уже через неделю после клеточной терапии и я смог вернуться к работе через 3 недели. Я действительно счастлив, что смог спасти мои бедра и избежать серьезных операций. Теперь, когда я на пенсии, я каждый день хожу на длительные прогулки, я могу спать и не чувствовать боль. Когда погода меняется, я чувствую это в костях, но в остальном я наслаждаюсь жизнью без боли.
Спустя 30 месяцев после клеточной терапии сообщает: Мне нравится работать в саду, но последние 2 года меня ограничивала сильная боль в коленях. Правое колено болело сильнее, чем левое и мне было трудно даже выходить в сад и обратно. Я практически постоянно была на обезболивающих, не ходила без трости. Без этих таблеток я просыпалась ночью с ужасной болью. Подруга рассказала мне об осложнениях после замены тазобедренного сустава, она сказала, что чуть не умерла от тромбоэмболии когда ее госпитализировали. Моя дочь как раз нашла врача, описывающего замечательные результаты клеточной терапии с помощью собственных клеток пациента, полученных из жира, при боли в суставах и артрите. Я решилась быстро и прошла лечение в течение недели. Через две недели после применения стволовых клеток мне стало лучше. И состояние продолжает улучшаться. Медленно, но постоянно и через год я могла ходить без трости, без которой не могла раньше. Это здорово, что даже через 2,5 года я могу нормально ходить, подниматься и спускаться по лестнице. Мне больше не нужны обезболивающие. Я очень рада. Даже моя личная жизнь улучшилась, ведь я могу пойти танцевать со своим мужем.
Спустя 3 года после клеточной терапии рассказывает: На протяжении многих лет у меня были проблемы с правым коленом. Я активно играю в теннис, а также занимаюсь другими видами спорта, включая катание на лыжах и коньках. Несколько раз мне производили инъекции обогащенной тромбоцитами плазмы в правое колено, но это срабатывало приблизительно на 3 - 4 месяца. Когда я играл в теннис, всегда испытывал боль и был не в состоянии сосредоточиться на игре, как я хотел бы. Наверное, я пытался беречь правое колено, вследствие чего левое колено и правое бедро также начали сильно болеть. Я начал хромать. Боль в колене и в правом бедре присутствовала все время, даже ночью я довольно часто просыпался. Мне повезло попасть на консультацию к хирургу-ортопеду, который рассказал мне о новом способе лечения с использованием моих собственных стволовых клеток и других восстанавливающих клеток моей жировой ткани. Я не колебался и в течение недели запланировал процедуры для всех трех суставов в одно и то же время. После инъекции стволовых клеток я начал снова играть в теннис, теперь я могу играть целый день оба выходных подряд. Правое колено, где хрящ был действительно ослаблен, стало намного лучше, я чувствую его только в течение длительной пробежки. В остальном, я прекрасно сплю по ночам, вообще никакой боли. Бедро и левое колено также в идеальном порядке.
Через 15 месяцев после клеточной терапии сообщает: Перед клеточной терапией, я перенес 3 операции на правом колене. Я повредил мениск 25 лет назад вследствие спортивной травмы. Тогда мой поврежденный мениск удалили и совсем недавно у меня была операция на одной из моих коленных связок с последующей артроскопией, что должно было привести к улучшению первоначального диапазона движения правого коленного сустава. Подвижность коленного сустава не стала лучше, даже по прошествии года реабилитации и физиотерапии, я столкнулся с синдромом "короткой ноги" в сочетании с хромотой из-за боли в правом коленном суставе. Мои тазобедренные суставы, в основном левый, тоже начали болеть, вероятно, вследствие моих попыток поберечь правое колено. В течение многих лет мне приходилось применять много обезболивающих, когда боль становилась слишком сильной. Спустя 12 лет после последней операции я прошел процедуру имплантации стволовых клеток, извлеченных из моей жировой ткани, в коленный сустав. Я не чувствовал никаких улучшений в течение приблизительно 4 недель, затем стало становиться лучше и лучше, и, по прошествии 8 недель после процедуры, я отметил внушительный прогресс. Мое правое колено совсем перестало болеть и постепенно я смог полностью вытянуть ногу, чего не мог сделать в течение многих лет. Судороги и жесткость в суставе также исчезли. Теперь, спустя 15 месяцев после клеточной терапии, я полностью здоров, только в случае серьезных упражнений я чувствую некоторую боль, так что приходится быть осторожным, чтобы не перегружать суставы.
Отчет спустя 11 месяцев после клеточной терапии: Я страдала от боли в бедре и нижней части спины, особенно по ночам, когда я не могла лежать на одной стороне в течение длительного времени, более года. Затем началась боль в коленях и области крестца. Эта боль становилась совершенно невыносимой. Я вообще не могла спать, а обычные болеутоляющие в таблетках и местные болеутоляющие гели совсем не помогали. По этим причинам я посетила своего терапевта, который направил меня к ортопеду. Ортопед диагностировал остеоартрит бедра с обеих сторон и назначил мне более сильные таблетки, от которых мне было нехорошо, у меня кружилась голова, вследствие чего я не могла принимать их в предписанных дозах. По словам ортопеда, моим единственным шансом была хирургическая замена тазобедренных суставов искусственными. Я не хотела выпадать из своего нормального темпа жизни из-за сложной и дорогостоящей операции и стала искать другие варианты. Я обнаружила новый метод в интернете - при помощи моих собственных стволовых клеток из жировой ткани. Я решила пройти эту процедуру, несмотря на мнение моего ортопеда. Мой друг попытался отговорить меня от этой процедуры, заявляя, что она не сработает, ведь она не так часто используется. Процедура клеточной терапии заняла всего одно утро. Она была выполнена на обоих бедрах и не вызвала у меня никаких проблем или осложнений. Всего по одной инъекции на каждый из тазобедренных суставов и все мои проблемы исчезли в течение несколько недель. Я была в состоянии вернуться к работе уже через 2 недели. Я могу ходить без боли или хромоты, я могу спать по ночам, не просыпаясь от боли. Кроме того, моя боль в спине исчезла. Единственное, что мне пришлось изменить – это сменить ортопеда. Теперь я посещаю того, который проводил для меня процедуру клеточной терапии. С моей точки зрения, имея такую свободу движения как теперь, спустя почти год после процедуры, я действительно не жалею об этой инвестиции в мое здоровье. Я могу уверенно рекомендовать этот новый метод лечения суставов.
Я являюсь активным спортсменом всю мою жизнь. Я люблю скалолазание и многие другие виды спорта. К сожалению, около 5 лет назад я страдал от 3 степени артрита левого колена и перенес трансплантацию искусственного титанового колена. В то время клеточная терапия не была для меня доступна. Год назад, когда мне был диагностирован артрит 3 степени правого колена, я начал искать альтернативу искусственному суставу, так как на искусственных коленных суставах я вообще не был бы в состоянии встать на колени. Я прошел клеточную терапию с использованием моего собственного жира в качестве источника стволовых клеток без каких-либо проблем. Мне понравилось то, как быстро прошло восстановление. Через одну неделю я не чувствовал никакой боли, через 4 недели я мог ходить без каких-либо проблем или прихрамывания. Через 3 месяца после процедуры я катался на лыжах и на коньках. Также я люблю скалолазание и езжу на велосипеде. Я смог проехать 200 км на велосипеде. И это еще не все. Спустя 8 месяцев после моей клеточной терапии я принял участие в экспедиции в Кавказских горах в России, где я поднялся на самую высокую гору Эльбрус (высота 5642 метров над уровнем моря) и с высоты примерно 5000 метров я спустился на лыжах. В ближайшем будущем я планирую посетить Африку, чтобы подняться на самую высокую гору там - Килиманджаро. Отличная новость в том, что контрольный рентген через 1 год после клеточной терапии показал, что хрящ в правом колене вырос еще на 0,5 - 1 мм. Я полагаю, что он может быть в порядке еще много лет и подарит мне свободу движения во всех моих спортивных увлечениях.
...I had really bad discoloration areas to my bilateral upper cheek on my face. That is almost completely gone. Every morning I can see the skin sloughing off my cheeks and literally comes off using my fingertips. That is amazing! I have been comparing pictures of myself taken three months ago and even two weeks ago, and the results are so amazing! I look younger today, than even two weeks ago. This anti-aging is really working. I even got told I look younger now than in the pictures. I was so happy I wanted to do backflips! The trip to Stem Cell Clinic was a trip of a lifetime. The treatment we received, ranging from care from the physicians to the drivers taking us to and from, was just remarkable. The time and effort that is given to each family is construed well and the result is an amazing trip with the most wonderful people in the world. Joseph goes far and beyond to make sure that we are all taken care of, and makes sure all our needs are met. All the people we met were just absolutely wonderful. I am so grateful for all they did for us. Many blessings to every one of them. I am so in love with the staff at the Clinic, because they are all just beautiful people inside and out. That is how I truly feel. That is how wonderful this trip really was. To all that participated in our care and health...I am very appreciative. M.N.
You have been in my thoughts frequently for a number of reasons. First, I was really impressed by the warmth and hospitality shown to me by you, your colleagues and the staff at the clinic. Secondly, the effect of the treatment was quite dramatic. In one way it is good that I waited until now to write to you as it allows show the benefits from the therapy. I will outline these below for your consideration:Several people commented how I look younger. ...The treatment was very effective and I am satisfied with the great results...
- My energy level is much higher. I was really active physically during my holiday in Indonesia and I never was tired. I am now able to play 2 to 3 hours of tennis without undue strain and my body seems to recuperate more quickly.
- My mental processes has improved. I feel that I concentrate better, that my thought processes are clearer and quicker. Again, I seemed to be able to work long hours and still concentrate and work more effectively.
- My sexual capacity has improved dramatically.
One month after the fetal stem cell transplantation the patient reported the following improvements:he stopped having pains in his heart when making love with his wife
- blood pressure normalization
- blood sugar normalization
- significant improvement of ability to work: doesn’t get tired works fulltime
- for the first time in many years he can sleep well all night
After the first course of stem cell treatment, the patient wrote us the following: Good morning, I want to thank the staff of the clinic for the wonderful job they have done. I feel very good and my blood sugar is within the normal range (96-107) and 126-140 in 2 hours after eating. I want to thank God and the doctors for giving me the cure and good spirit. Sincerely yours, M.A.
The patient A.A. has undergone two courses of stem cell treatment. After the second course, he wrote following: I have been suffering from moderate to severe ulcerative colitis for the past 12 years. I was treated by injections and other medications that gradually tapering off of it. But after some time I started feeling symptoms of the ulcerative colitis coming back. Lots of cramping, pain, loose tools & blood in the stools. I have been taking some organic supplement a couple of years ago and great results from it, but it only took for short time. Year 2012 when I started to hear about stem cell therapy, I made a thorough research and found lots of outstanding claims. And after I got my operations with less than two weeks I can feel a vital difference and progress in my body. And after sometimes my body was totally recovered and treated.
The patient A.A. has undergone two courses of stem cell treatment. After the second course, he wrote the following testimony: I have been suffering from moderate to severe ulcerative colitis for the past 12 years. I took a lot of injections and other medications that gradually tapering off of it. But after sometimes I started feeling symptoms of the ulcerative colitis coming back. A lot of cramping, pain, loose tools & blood in the stools. I have taken some organic supplement a couple of years ago and great results from it, but only for short time. Year 2012 when I started to hear about stem cells, I made a thorough research and found lots of outstanding claims and upshot through their success stories. Since then, I was really amazed about their accomplishments and started to contact the clinic. Same year when I came and visit Kiev for the treatment and it was completely astonishing, the staff, their facilities was entirely and absolutely amazing. And after I got my operations with less than two weeks I can feel a vital difference and progress in my body. And after some time my body was totally recovered and treated. I could not express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the team for making my health more radiant and beaming. Recently I just travelled back in Kiev with my wife this year - 2013, for High Blood sugar and to introduce to my wife the wondrous service of clinic. Surely everyone will never comes home with regreting, because of what we experienced with that team was truly remarkable!
After the treatment of D. at our clinic, his parents wrote a letter to our partner in the US, Dr Jeff Bradstreet, as cited below: Hi Dr. Bradstreet! This week (8 weeks after stem cell therapy) has been the best so far! Each day this week has brought more and more improvements. We have decided that we definitely want to take D. for a second treatment at your Clinic. I believe you said you are taking your son Aaron back on Sept 3rd and 4th. That would actually be a very good time for us and we would love to come to your Clinic while you are there. Thank you so much for believing in D.'s potential! We feel so blessed that you included D. in this wonderful medical journey! D. and J.
October 19, 2012 Hello! I just wanted to write a little report on how I feel and why the test results are pending. I feel really good both physically and mentally in addition to my Swedish doctors do not want to or cannot help me with my blood samples but I have not given up yet, I try with other doctors and hope for better help. I will be back with test results as soon as I can and until that I train and eat so right I can according to your wish. Best regards, R.W. November 12, 2012 Hello! I feel pretty good after the treatment. I have no pain in my legs since the treatment and my legs feel stronger and I am not that tired in the afternoon. It feels like it's easier to lift my left foot than before. I will get back to you with blood sample results as soon as possible–it’s not that easy to get them done in Sweden. I would like to announce that now 2 months after the treatment, I have improved in every way. I feel much stronger and less tired. But I have a problem with getting help to get follow-up blood tests in Sweden. So my curiosity is if I and my brother are the first MS sick Swedes who go through this treatment and unless we are first, my wonder is how other Swedes have done to get help with testing. Grateful for the response, best regards R.W.
Thank you for the fantastic care you took of me and my husband while we were visiting your clinic. We felt very welcome. I feel pretty good after the treatment. I feel like it's easier to lift my right leg and both my legs feel stronger. Also my balance feels better. But I still feel a bit unsure of my stability. Overall I feel much happier and I have energy to do more of the training. Tomorrow I think about swimming if I still have the energy. I can walk longer without support now than before the treatment. My back pain disappeared, but I still feel a little week in my back. I will send you the blood samples as soon as possible. It's not so easy to get them here in Finland but I will try. Overall I feel stronger and happier. Greetings, B. B.
The patient V. A. underwent a course of multiple sclerosis stem cell treatment. After returning home, he wrote us the following: Hello, Just after the arrival from the clinic, I stopped to pull my left leg. At present I walk more on my own. Weakness in the arms and legs has decreased, and my gait has become more confident. In early July, I noticed that I could see better and more clearly, and I'm able to recognize people I'm familiar with from afar. In the middle of July I was able to read. My vision has been improving each day. On July 20 I was able to swim a little, while earlier I was not. My appetite has improved. Yours, V. A.
We would like to inform you that A. is great, she is progressing very nicely. She has gained the weight and reached 19 kg, she is eating alone, she can brush her teeth alone, so we are looking forward to her next therapy. We believe that she will be even better. Best regads from S. family from Belgrade.
Dear all, First of all I would like to accept my apologize for late responding your mail concerning to my mothers health after the stem cells therapy which had been injected to her, I like to say: 1- After the 2 days of cure my mother was in excellent health as she was before that disease. 2- In the next month I mean after 21 days exactly she fall back specially in digestive process. 3- Nowadays she is better than before but still she is falling sometimes when she trys to stand up from stillness situation. Conclusion: she is really better than before and I will send you two comparing photos for her before and after the treatment. Thank you so much for your effort and we to help her again to get the 21 days first treatment which were the best duration life. Looking to hear from your side the best way to help us again. Regards
Since R. was young, we had noticed him having difficulty with walking and climbing stairs. About two years ago, we took him to his regular physician for a complete smack test with blood work. One of these tests concerned the CK amount. We inquired about the results and we were told they were fine. About one year later we were concerned about his progress and consulted another doctor who referred us to the Muscular Dystrophy clinic, at which time they performed the same tests which revealed the elevated CK enzyme. Further DNA testing revealed the deletion of the dystrophin gene. From there, I requested the prior smack results which also revealed an extremely high CK, which revealed that the doctor did not read the results correctly. Therefore, lying to us that everything was ok. From there, we dive heavily into researching this disease and the devastating effect it has on the patients. We had traveled out to Memphis, Tennessee to look into a cell therapy procedure. Upon further investigation, we decided against this because of the makeup of the material being used and the way it was administered. From there, after more investigation, we traveled to Ohio to investigate a gene therapy procedure. We concluded that from the phase of this study, it was still in it's infancy. Fortunately, we have a limited knowledge of genealogy and what was required to repair the DNA. From all of the research we gathered, we believed that an fetal stem cell transplant could be salutary. After many hours we were lucky enough to contact your stem cell clinic where we developed a dialog with two very caring professors. We explained our situation and they believed they could help. Before our first visit, R. was on a fairly steady decline. Upon our arrival, we were greeted by a very friendly and knowledgeable man named Professor Karpenko. We had a very long conversation where he explained everything about the procedure, which was to be administered to our son. It sounded very promising and very unintrusive. The following day we began the treatments which included three IV treatments and approximately 8-10 myoblast injections. The procedure encompassed six days at the clinic. After the second day of treatments, we noticed a remission and improvement in our son's ability to bend his knees, run, sit up from the floor and also with his confidence level. This we attributed to him feeling stronger, which our son also conveyed to us. Also, his reflexes and respiratory functions improved. All within the time of the treatments. The Professors explained that, for approximately 10 days after the treatment, R. would experience a slight decline, which he did. After approximately 10 days, we noticed a steady increase, which leveled off and was stable for approximately 5 months. Within these months we had regularly taken our son to several doctors including a neurologist and a BIODEX muscle strength testing machine which is also employed by NASA and a pulmonary function doctor. They all have recorded absolutely no decline for about four months after treatment. During these months we noticed our son was moving much better. Prior to the treatment, our son had a waddling in his run and walk, which was dramatically reduced. These results are still present. Five months after the first treatment, we noticed a decline occurring which was explained to us by the Professors at the time of the first treatment. We were informed to make arrangements to return when the decline occurred. At this time, we returned to the Clinic for the second round of treatment, which were self-same like the first treatment. Also at this time, after the second day of treatments, we were amazed at our sons ability to do things he had not been capable of doing before. We have since returned about two weeks ago, and now we are observing a consistent increase in our sons ability. At this time, we would like to add that the treatment and the experience of traveling to the stem cell clinic and meeting the Professors have been very invigorating and pleasurable. We can really tell that the Professors heart and soul are in our son's treatment and we now refer to the Professors as our true friends. Their caring and dedication with our son has proved us beyond a doubt. It is really a shame that this procedure is not allowed to be performed in the United States. There are thousands of boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy who could benefit from this treatment. As for our experiences, we have nothing but good to report to our friends and we look forward to the increasing strength of our son, which is he experiencing. We also thank God for meeting these people and giving us the strength and determination to overcome borders and stereotypes to seek help, wherever it may be. Myself and our families would strongly recommend this treatment with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. We would also like to add that it will be a much happier Christmas this year, than last. Thank you very much, The R. Family
Pre-therapy condition: “Off” periods during the whole day. Marked difficulty in walking. Marked balance disturbances. Tremor in the right arm and leg. Severe stiffness in the right arm and leg muscles. Incontinence. Patient N., suffering from Parkinson's disease, was treated with stem cells. Immediately upon returning home he found positive changes in his condition as described below by his wife: “Stem cells is a miracle”, N. exclaimed. “Weakness in my leg is almost disappeared. I can freely turn around, I quietly go sideways what I could not do before! I could easily step over the suitcases; I am not awkward any more! Before the stem cell treatment, I had to watch my way and even couldn’t talk while I was walking, but on my way home after the stem cell treatment I could easily look about, and my balance was normal. I am not dragging my leg anymore.” I stopped my husband’s monologue and asked him to repeat it once again to write it down. So, we came home safe and sound. We took the metro without any problems. When we reached home, I fell asleep and when I woke up I heard and wrote down the above. Then N. told me he tried to walk on a treadmill (we had to purchase it some time ago for my husband to be able to exercise in any weather), and he managed to do it without holding on something as before when he had to hold on something beacause of his poor balance. Before the treatment he walked on a treadmill at the lowest speed but today he tried to increase the speed and he succeeded even without holding on something. Because of his tremor he could not take out or put the money into the wallet, but now he could easily do both. I even couldn’t understand what money and where he paid, but he explained that while I was sleeping, he realized that his mobile phone didn’t function and he had to recharge his account. He alone (and even without his walking stick) managed to reach the payment center (it is several bus stops plus long walking distance from our house, moreover, it was snowy and slippery in Moscow then). His improvements are so much evident that even if in the future he will experience some worsening you have warned us about we have enough arguments for the sceptics to assert that stem cell treatment is neither a “placebo effect” nor “injected vitamins”. Now N. is having rest and I decided to share our good news with you. We felt you are not indifferent to your patients’ problems as well as to their treatment results. We have never regretted for choosing your clinic. We are very grateful to all your staff for their affability, attention and kindness. Warmest wishes and regards, L.N.
Dear Valentina, Things have been really good. O.'s OCD - obsessive compulsive behavior - and her anxiety has mostly disappeared. Her manual skills are improved, she is now independent pulling up her pants, putting on her shirt and almost independent putting on her socks. She has improved her skills when taking a shower, washing her hair, body, putting conditioner in her hair and so forth. She is much more interested in learning new skills and she is now trying to work on the things that are difficult for her. Before she had a hard time being introduced to things she needed to practice. Also her transitioning has improved, she is smoothly following along and moving on to new activities. Her self-damaging behavior has been decreased, she does not hit herself with the same intensity as before. She is much more calm and cooperative and her compliance has improved fantastic. She is learning new skills and improving very much every week. New sounds and better breathing and she has grown a lot. In short: it has been the best month in August in all 10 years I have being doing programs with O. I am so motivated to help her and do any program in contrast to before where it was quite tiresome to do program with O., because she sabotaged the program and was highly oppositional to all things that were introduced to her. Her prognosis for her heigth was before treatment with stem cells and growth hormone 135 cm. Now the prognosis is 150 cm. And the doctors expect she could get higher than that. About me: I´m so better, I have more energy, when I do running with O. I am able to do it without getting soar afterwards. I went trought a big court case in August and I was able to focus on O.’s training right after being in the court. So I feel I am better at controlling stress and getting it out of my system again. I also think I have less wrinkles on my face and not as deep as before. I look more alive and I feel more alive - and better at cooping with my challenges. Warmest regards to everybody from O. and M.
We are all fine - thanks! L. is doing so well. Her spasticity in legs is decreasing. Her physiotherapist was amazed when checking her legs in August 2010. The quality of walking parents-assisted is improved – she is able to stand seconds longer than before – she seems straighter and more stabile when she is walking. When evaluated by the Belgium ABR team in August, they found her weight bearing in her shoulders when lying on the stomach has improved much more than was expected. Left arm is less rigid. Standing in her standing device has improved too – she can hold her trunk better now. Everybody tells us that her technique when crawling on hands and knees looks really better and more stabile. She is still falling a lot. Her bladder control is improving. For the past 4-5 years L. used 5-6 diapers daily. Now she uses 3, 2 diapers only per day since August 2010 – mostly at night. When she is tired it can still be difficult for her to hold until it is time to go to the bathroom. At night there is no change. Concerning her bowel she has mostly control of it but we do see an accident at night once or twice a month. The bowel control is same. We still see her fingers get white when it is a bit cold. Her Rayneaud syndrome is almost the same. Her energy level has increased – she has more stamina during the day. When evaluated at FHC she did her best ever. Her progress since January till July 24th was 115%!!!!! Her growth rate since 2003 has never been over 60%. She showed her intellectual ability very convincingly when speedreading 30 pages in 1 minute and then being able to put 5 sequences from the first chapter written on 5 pieces of paper in the right order without help at all. The book was written for adults. She showed her math skills in the same way and there is no doubt any longer how bright she is. Now she shows it. Before the stem cell treatment it was very difficult for her to show it in an unfamiliar environment. Her ability to communicate nonverbally increased – she uses more signs than before and does it faster. She trys harder to participate in dressing herself, locking/unlocking her wheelchair, drinking of a glass independently etc. We will have a blood test done in November and as soon we get the results we will send it to you. The physiotherapist will visit us November 25th. Then we will contact you again. We are looking so much forward to see what the stem cells will bring a year from now – it is amazing what has already happened. Best regards, L., J. and M.
Below is a report on K.J. condition six months after the treatment at EmCell: Hi, Here is my response to your questions. I am also inquiring about K. future stem cell treatments. Thank you, E.J. In general he is feeling really good. Health is good. He has much more energy, but then when he sits idle, he starts getting sleepy. We are considering doing blood test for hypo-glycemia. Sometimes he has trouble sleeping thru the night. He is still taking Keppra 2 x per day for anti-seizure. He is also taking Baclofen 3 x per day for muscle relaxation. He has recently had Botox injections in his leg muscles in attempt to control his walking and gait. I will attempt to secure a copy on Kieran's medical report when we see his Dr. again on December 12. I will forward that to you. Also, we are considering traveling to Kiev again in early June, 2013. Thank you for your follow up on this. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
15.10.12 Physical Examination: Max arrived to the Cell Therapy with his parents and grandparents. He came for the 2nd course of treatment. Max has grown up. According to the parents, evident improvements started 3 months ago. He can now walk with support, special device or pulling the cot. He puts full left foot on the floor at walking. Braces are often used too. When he walks, his head is bent down, and he raises it only for some time. He hasn’t learned to crawl. Autoagression has reduced, and reaction speed has increased, and he is now concerned about his safety. Two months after the treatment, his mother wrote us an e-mail: Hi! Max is doing very well in general health. He is making more progress in motoric and fine movement. I have noticed that lately he is more interested in toys, which he never was in the past. I hope he will make more improvement in the future. Thank you and best regards. M.
Almost a year after the treatment, we received the following letter on A.F. condition: Hello, A. is very good after treatment, she has had great success in all areas. Her doctor tested her for two months and confirmed good results. The doctor was not aware of the treatment she received.The doctor was amazed at the progress. A. has a good appetite and good mood, is more social and more active as never has been. She takes more initiative and likes to keep herself fit by cycling, skiing and daily walks. She forgets little now and then, but I do not think this has accelerated. We both believe that the treatment was of great benefit and are gratefull for it and your professionalism. Sincerely, K. S. F.
My dad is doing fine, he has put on some weight since stem cell transplants, overall looks very healthy, his colour is better as well. He did not develop any skin injuries in these past years which great comparing to other ALS patients in Cyprus. His main problem that arises very often is urine infections due to catheter and constipation. Spasticity is decreased remarkably which is also great as he is no longer in pain! So in general i would say he is in really good condition!
Pre-therapy: Patient M. has really long history of muscular dystrophy. He underwent three courses of stem cell treatment, and this treatment had a big effect. Two months after the third course of the stem cell therapy, patient M. reported this: “I am writing 2 months after the treatment and want to inform you that my health is getting better, and there are signs that prove that I am recovering. I walk by myself for about 2 km, slowly, but without any help from another person, I feel more strength when I raise from the place I sit (I feel this strength without being visible for somebody else). I follow a daily recovery program based on walking, medical physical exercise and I had B1, B6, B12 injections last week. I hope the future news will be better so that you and I will be glad together. Best regards, M.” Three months after the treatment, patient M wrote: “I have continued the recovery program. After the treatment, my health condition had a positive progress, especially walking, where I sense more strength. When I get up, there are minor reactions based on a slight elasticity. I shall perform the neurological check-up at the end of the summer (approximately 6 months after the treatment). Best regards, M.” Five months after the treatment the patient wrote us the following: "Hello! 5 months have passed since the treatment at your clinic and I present a short report of my health in the present. The first months after the treatment, I have noticed visible signs of increasing of the muscular force, these signs were noticeable when I walked. I could also notice a better elasticity of the articulations during the movement. At the beginning of August I had time period when I felt the muscles being tired, even a slight exhaustion (when I rise from the place I sit). The sensation lasted approximately one week and after that I have turned back to the previous status. In the present the physical state is obviously much better than after the treatment. I noticed no positive changes when I climb the stairs. I have continued a recovery program (exercises, walking) and as the autumn starts, I would like to help my body, by taking a series of vitamins (injections). The vitamins are the following B1, B6, B12. I would be glad if you tell me how you think I should administrate the following period of time. Sincerely yours, M." Eight months after the stem cell therapy the patient wrote: “Hello! After almost 8 months from the treatment, I have performed a neurological exam where the improvement of my health could be noticeable, especially regarding the elasticity of my movements. I mention that I have started a daily kineto-terapheutical program for a month and that my body reacts positively. At the end of November I‘m gonna start the series of injectable vitamins, too (B1,2,6,12). Best regards, M.”
Dear Colleagues, Since the stem cell treatment we have many different changes. All in all we are hopeful of a complete recovery for J. as he is showing us how much these stem cells have done for him so far. I am aware that it will take 3 to 4 months for the overall changes but so far it is amazing.Also to let you know that the changes in little B. who came to see you in January are amazing, he has changed so much he is unrecognisable, he has started talking, and responding to the world very nicely. Eve has promised to get in touch with you as soon as she can. When people see what is happening to B. and J. they will be excited to visit your clinic to help their children. We cannot thank you enough for all you have done for J., there are no words to describe our gratitude only to say that we are in agreement with whatever you wish for us to do to make J. transition perfect for him. Thank you very much. I forgot to mention, that J. does not sleep as deeply as before, he's waking up a lot earlier and maybe going back to sleep again. Grateful Customer C.G.
- He lives more in the present world, and listens to our conversation and laughs at the appropriate places.
- He is asking more questions about himself and the world around.
- He still has problems controlling his anger but not to the extent of what he used to be. Before he would break and destroy everything he could get his hands on. Now he may get cross but it is controlled and less violent. In this area as time goes on we are hoping to see great changes.
- He wants to try new things and gets excited about going to new places.
- He listens more follows the instructions.
- He will negotiate to stay up later at night or to do something else other than what we would suggest to him. He will say something like “can I stay up for another half an hour”, and if I say “no”, he will then ask if he can stay up for 15 minutes then etc. He will try to explore his options with words and no anger.
- He has grown around an inch taller, not sure if that has to do with stem cells.
- When he is reading he no longer struggles with number i.e. 500 he will automatically say five hundred while before he would say five zero zero. He can differentiate, zero, tens, hundreds, and thousands so he reads flows better.
- He will laugh when he is reading a story and it’s funny or the child is naughty, he gets involved in the storyline.
- All in all we can see changes in J. and we are excited and hopeful that he will be better and better.
- I’ve been following the diet and various other instructions from you without question.
G.is improving with her learning skills, concentration and speech and we are hoping to see more as she continues with the special needs help she receives at school. We are able to do some homework now which was not possible last year. Her speech is also improved with longer sentences and structures and proper responses when asked for information. We are hoping for further improvement in being able to give more information to us in speech. Her desire to read and school work has increased in the last 6 weeks at least, bearing in mind that the school year began at the start of February this year. The speech therapist has given positive feedback with her last 4 sessions in the area of participation and completion of the necessary skills that she is given. G. is now on the longer lasting (slow release) tablet of Ritalin 20mg in the morning which lasts for the school day and wears off when she comes home. Last year before the stem cell treatment G. was given 2 separate tablets of Ritalin 10mg each, one in the morning and the other midday which provided higher peaks in her response). This year, after treatment, the longer Ritalin tablet appears to be sufficient even though before the stem cell treatment it wasn't. There continues to be some side effects with the sleeping patterns as she is still alert by 10 pm at night. We do not give her Ritalin in the weekend or holidays. My hope is to eventually be able to take her off the Ritalin for school. I hope to provide more details with G.'s progress in the near future.
My son took a suitcase yesterday and of course I have started a communication with him regarding his „trip” to Florida. I will write a short summary of my impressions and observations of his progress. I would like to highlight his increased intellectual abilities, he is focused, he will respond and understand everything that I ask him to do, assist me or if I insist on his patience and tolerance. He will no longer make sounds like an angry spoiled kid, because he is AWARE that he will get nothing before he verbalizes his need. Also he knows what situations can provoke that he gets grounded and he avoids them. He started to anticipate; he tries to behave and do things in order to satisfy his environment. His memory is improved; he has started to remember songs and singers; he is very explicit in choosing tv program, cartoons as well as music that he listens; and now he enjoys the wording of the song, he understands it. It’s not like before he was not able to understand but now he is interested in the scenario of music clip; he mentions and differ the emotions; he dance in a rhythm of a song (before, he was like a beast whenever I tried to show him how to dance), now he enjoys it. Communication with other kids in the kindergarten or in the park is really better, very articulate, again, with an anticipation. He gets to know the social rules, how you treat people you know and you don’t know; he is trying to be polite all the time (with all this phrases good afternoon, how are you, thank you), he can immediately answer what is his name and how old is he and how many brothers he has. He knew all this information before also, but it was somewhere deep in his mind and memory and usually it would take some time and effort to get it from him. He openly shows effort and willingness to participate and be useful, and to get all the best reactions from us. Generally, I feel much better and relaxed and I’m not afraid of some unpredicted reactions and situations. Honestly speaking, I was avoiding to spend time with him alone (prior to stem cells), always with the same reason what if he starts to “misbehave”…..No, not any more, I’m happy, I’m proud and I can pompously say that I have a special and very unique relationship with my son that I enjoy more than anything.
Hello, It was a pleasure for my family to visit your clinic and get stem cells for my son. Today is two months from the treatment date. Everyone noticed that my son is different, he demonstrates more attention and eye contact. My son A. is more aware about his environment, he runs to his father when he is back home and shows how happy he is for dad. He starts to wear his slippers and also all the big shoes having fun. He can say a few new words like „mommy“, „eat“, „no“. A.’s behavior has also improved, he does not cry anymore. Thank you very much. My best regards to all your team.
A patient A.M. suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy underwent the course of stem cell treatment at our Clinic. After the treatment, his doctor wrote us the following: Thank you very much for your nice cooperation. The good news is that Mr. A. appreciates too much efforts done by you and the staff of your clinic and he is very happy about the results. He has started to feel better, he is able to sleep (for the first time in 7 years) for 12 hours. Due to his disease, he used to wake up every 20- 30 minutes because of dyspnea and chest pain. According to his story, he used to wake up all the night with very little sleep hours, while his family members were all sleeping. Last night he went into deep sleep, while his family members were all wake up. He is very happy with this result in particular, and he is sharing a very good impression about you and stem cell treatment with people around. Another important fact is that his chest pain is now reduced to a minimum. His activity improved, he retained morning erection, his mood is much better and he says that he feels happy not like before. He avoids too much efforts and exhaustion. I think these evidences point to a dramatic improvement which I hope will proceed to a satisfactory degree of improvement. I'll keep you informed about his condition. Best regards, Yours, Dr. M. F.
Dear Doctors, It seems that the stem cell therapy has started working. I feel much better. I lost 3 kg of weight. I used the threadmail for 40 min at speed of 4.8 total 3.4 kms. I am following a healthy diet. I am feeling well & too proud of you.
7 months after cell therapy reports: "I was suffering from the left knee joint stiffness and pain every morning before the stem cells therapy. Due to severe pain, I was not able to cary my little baby. Taking the baby upstairs or downstairs was impossible. I visited gym in order to gradually increase muscle strenght around the painful knee, but pain was unbearable so I had to quit. The pain started even after minimal burden or when the weather changed. The knee was also painful even at walk. The running was impossible. After the stem cells application the stiffness of the joint disappeared completely. Although there is still a minimum pain when I exercise too much. I was able to run my mountain bike to the top of Praded Mountain (elevation 1492 m above the sea level) in Northern Moravia region. Walk is completely painless for me now. Nowadays I can do jogging for about 1km with no pain. I am constantly improving thanks to my own stem cells."
Describes her status after 2 years from cell therapy: "My left hip was very painful, I was on painkillers for more than 2 years and my only alternative was the artificial hip joint surgery. This surgery I did not want to undergo, because I knew about possible risks and complications. I decided for much safer approach – my stem cells. Taking the fat from the belly is not painful, although before that procedure, I was afraid a bit. After cell application, the improvement appeared almost immediately and after 4 months I was almost without any pain. The results were even better in 1 year after the cell therapy. I did not have any pain, so I could also work on my garden. I walk much better, I do not have a problem with getting off the car or do longer walks. The important thing is, I believe, to follow the instructions of your doctor who is really experienced in cell therapy. At first I underwent the intervention with the left hip and after 6 months I went with the right hip. Now I am considering to undergo this procedure also with my knees. I am 100 % satisfied with this cell therapy."
Describes after 10 months: "I had a bad injury of right knee by playing tennis. My cross ligament was ripped off and the cartilage was injured. I have learned about cell therapy on the internet and discussed that with my doctor. Also my family supported me in that decision. The intervention and cell administration is not painful. 4 months after the application I did not feel any pain. I have no limitations in any movements, I am able to go upstairs and downstairs and I do several sports including tennis, bicycling, hiking, skiing. I can fully recommend the application of stem cells in case they are needed for healing. I consider the investment into my own health as the best one. If I have to undergo this again, I certainly go for it without any hesitation."
After 3.5 years from cell therapy reports: "My orthopedist offered cortisone injections and analgesic drugs to minimize the pain and sometimes the swelling of my right knee. I did not want to reconcile with such approach and I was able to find experienced doctor who offered cell therapy using my own cells from fat. Although the obtaining the fat from my belly was not very pleasant, I underwent it without any problems. During the first week after the cell therapy procedure the knee was sensitive. But then the pain was gone, swelling never occur again. After one year the knee was even better like a new one! Now being for several years without any troubles or pain, I am very satisfied with the result. I can go stairs without any problems. When I compare it with the situation before cell therapy, I had great difficulties in walking before, the knee was very painful. After the application of stem cells the pain was gone, after few months I could walk quite fast. Recently I enjoy hiking, I can walk pretty fast and recently I am getting ready for one week of hiking in the mountains. Plus, I do not need to take any medicaments. If I have to undergo this procedure again, I would definitely go for it."
1 year after cell therapy procedure reports: "I had an accident with my „ultralight“ airplane and I had an intraarticular fracture and cartilage defect of my left knee. My whole left leg was crushed. The administration of stem cells was offered in addition to surgical fixation of bones to improve the healing process and to restore the cartilage and other joint functions. I felt significant improvement after approximately one month. The pain stopped and I can sleep normally all night long without any pain. And I am tremendously happy because of that. I can also kneel down or going upstairs or downstairs without feeling any pain. The pain is completely gone."
Describes her experience with cell therapy after 3 years: "Approximately two months after the application of my own cells I could take a trip to the sea. Before the procedure I could barely walk! I could walk only when I took painkiller pills. Sometimes they upset my stomach, sometimes I get bruising after these painkillers. Application of stem cells helped me a lot, I can walk after three years, I can work in my garden and do almost all my daily activities. I am very happy and satisfied with the result. Main reason for this treatment was because I did not want let the other doctors put a knife on myself or to cut on me. This cell therapy procedure was painless. Before the application I could just pulled my leg behind me. Nowadays, I can walk normally and also I can handle the stairs going upstairs or downstairs without any troubles."
22 months after cell therapy describes: "I liked no waiting time and how fast the procedure of my stem cell treatment was performed. Even during the cell application I did not feel any pain or pressure and when it was completed I could go home by myself and without any problems. Three months after the application I noticed substantial improvement. The effect of cell therapy is long lasting even now after almost 2 years. The quality of my life is definitely much better overall. Also the joint mobility is much better, minimal pain when I over-exercise. In case I will have any problems with my other joints, I will definitely go for this stem cell treatment."
2 years and 2 months after cell therapy reports: "I was suffering a lot from both hips pain. My movement was very bad, I could not even sit. At night, I could not sleep because of such a severe pain, I was forced to sleep in a sitting position. Painkillers and local creams against pain were not helpful much. My orthopedic surgeon recommended artificial joint surgery on one side and then on the other side. At that time I was about a year before my planned retirement. So I did not want to be out of work for several months and loose some benefits and risk a decreased income when finally retired. Thus, I decided for stem cell application to both hips at one procedure. My stem cells worked really well and fulfilled all my expectations, even exceeded them. I had almost no pain one week after the cell therapy and I could go back to work after 3 weeks. I am really happy I was able to save my hips and did not have to go that big surgery. Now when I retired, I can go for long walks every day, I can sleep without any pain. When the weather is changing, I can feel it in my bones, but otherwise I enjoy life without pain."
30 months after cell therapy describes: "I like to work in my garden but for the last 2 years I was limited by a lot of pain in my knees. Right knee was more painful then left knee and it was difficult to even walk to the garden and back home. I was on painkillers almost constantly, walking only with a support of sticks. Without taking these pills I would wake at night with a lot of pain. I heard from a friend of mine about complications she had previously with her hip joint replacement and she said that she almost died because of thromboembolism that she was hospitalized for. At that time my daughter found a doctor describing great results of cell therapy for joint pain and arthritis with patient´s own cells obtained from fat. I decided fast and received that treatment within a week. Two weeks after the application of stem cells it started getting better. It improved more and more, slowly but constantly and after one year I was able to walk without my walking sticks that I had to use before. It is great that even after two and half years I can walk normally, I can go upstairs or downstairs. I do not need any painkillers any more. I am very happy. My personal life is much better now, I can even go dancing with my husband."
3 years after cell therapy reports: "For many years I had a problem with my right knee. I am an active tennis player as well doing other sports including skiing and skating. I underwent multiple injections of platelet-rich-plasma into my right knee but it worked only for about 3-4 months. When I played tennis, it was always painful and I was not able to concentrate on the game as I would wish for. Probably, I was trying to save the right knee and thus I got a lot pain also in my left knee and right hip. I started to limp because of that. The knee pain as well as right hip pain was present all the time, also at night when I woke up quite often. I was fortunate to consult an orthopedic surgeon who was telling me about this new treatment strategy using my own stem cells and other regenerative cells from my adipose tissue. I did not hesitate and within a week I was scheduled for the procedure in all three joints at the same time. After the application of stem cells I started to play tennis again, now it is possible for me to play all day long for both days on the weekends. The right knee, where the cartilage was really weakened, is much better, I can feel it only when I go for a long jogging. Otherwise, I can sleep at night very well, no pain at all. The hip is perfect and the left knee too."
15 months after cell therapy describes: "Before cell therapy, I underwent three surgeries of the right knee. 25 years ago that was the broken meniscus after a sport injury, then my cracked meniscus was removed and most recently I had a surgery on one of my knee ligaments performed with the follow-up arthroscopy which should lead to improvement of the original range of movement of the right knee joint. The mobility of the knee was not better even after a year of rehabilitation and physiotherapy care and I was facing a „short leg“ syndrome combined with limping due to the pain of the right knee joint. My hip joints, mainly the left hip joint, started to become painful, probably because of my tendency to protect the right knee. I had to take a lot of painkillers for many years when the pain was too severe. After 12 years from the last surgery I underwent the implantation of stem cells extracted from my adipose tissue into the knee joint. I did not feel any improvement for about 4 weeks, then it started to be better and better and 8 weeks after the procedure a huge improvement appeared. My right knee was without any pain and gradually I was able to stretch the leg completely which I was not able to do so for many years. Convulsions and stiffness of the joint have disappeared too. Now, 15 months after the cell therapy I am completely healthy, just at extreme exercise I feel some pain, so I have to be careful not to overload my joints."
11 months after cell therapy reports: "I was suffering from the hip and lower back pain mainly at nights, when I could not lie on the side for a long time, more than a year. Then, the pain of my knees and sacral area came in. This pain was growing to unbearable situation. I could not sleep at all and common painkiller pills and local painkiller gels did not work at all. For those reasons I visited my general practitioner who referred me to an orthopedist. This orthopedist diagnosed hip osteoarthritis on both sides and prescribed even stronger pills that makes me sick and dizzy so I was not able to take them at a prescribed doses. Based on his words, my only chance was the hip replacement surgery with artificial joints. I did not want to be disqualifies from normal life because of the complicated and extensive surgery and that is why I start searching for another options. I discovered a new method on the internet – using my own stem cells from fat. I decided to undergo this procedure despite my orthopedist and a friend of mine tried to pull me out of this procedure, saying it will not work since it is not so commonly used yet. The cell therapy procedure took just one morning. It was performed on both hips and did not cause me any troubles or complications. After this single application to both hip joints, all my problems had disappeared within few weeks. I was able to get back to work after only 2 weeks. I can walk well without pain or limping, I can sleep well at night without waking up at pain. My back pain also disappeared. The only change I had to make was the change of orthopedist. Now I am visiting that one who performed the cell therapy procedure to me. From my perspective, being so active now after almost a year from the procedure, I really do not regret the investment to my health. I can fully recommend this new method of treatment of joint problems."
1 year after cell therapy refers: "I am an active sportsman for all my life. I love mountain climbing and many other sports. Unfortunately, about 5 years ago I suffered from grade 3 arthritis of my left knee and underwent artificial knee titanium replacement. At that time, there was no cell therapy available as an option to me. A year ago, being diagnosed with arthritis grade 3 on my right knee, I was looking for an alternative to artificial joint since I would not be able to kneel down at all on artificial knee joints. I underwent the cell therapy using my own fat as a source of stem cells without any problems. I also enjoyed how fast the recovery was. After one week I did not feel any pain, after 4 weeks I was walking without any problems or limping. After 3 months from the procedure I was skiing and ice skating. I love also climbing, and cycling. I was able to go for 200 km on by bicycle. And this is not the end. 8 months after my cell therapy I was present at an expedition to the Caucasus Mountains in Russia, where I climbed the highest mountain Elbrus (elevation 5642 meters above the sea level) and from the elevation of roughly 5000 meters I was able to ski down the hill. In the near future I am planning to visit Africa to climb the highest mountain there - Kilimanjaro. Great news is that the control X-ray after 1 year from cell therapy found that the cartilage in my right knee grew for additional 0,5 – 1 mm. I think that it could be good for many years to come and it could give me a freedom with all my sport activities."
Můj příběh je téměř banální - začalo to takto: chlap s nadváhou před důchodem cítí, že rychlost chůze se snižuje, klouby bolí a občas v kloubech něco skřípne. Kolegové v zaměstnání vyprávěli o nové metodě nápravy kloubů bez jejich náhrady - o aplikaci kmenových buněk. Byla to pro mne novinka (musím přiznat, že velice zajímavá), a když jsem našel pracoviště, které má s aplikací vlastních buněk bohaté zkušenosti, neváhal jsem ho kontaktovat. Můj zdravotní stav jsme spolu probrali a prokonzultovali a vše ostatní již bylo jen otázkou rozhodnutí dotaženého do konce ještě před důchodem (abych řekl pravdu - dokud jsem výdělečně činný, protože bohužel zatím zákrok zdravotní pojišťovna nehradí). Po aplikaci buněk do oblasti obou kyčlí se můj stav postupně zlepšoval a zlepšoval a nyní půl roku po zákroku chodím zcela bez potíží. Před zákrokem jsem fyzicky náročnější aktivity prováděl jen s obtížemi, teď mohu říct, že všechny činnosti mohu vykonávat bez omezení. Musím se ale pochlubit, že jsem i mírně snížil svoji hmotnost. Už se ale ozývají i kolena a tak na podzim plánuji zkusit zákrok aplikace vlastních buněk i na ně.
Chtěl jsem si užívat aktivního životního stylu, ale byl jsem hodně omezen bolestmi kloubů, zejména kolen. Když jsem se dozvěděl o možnosti využít vlastní kmenové buňky z tukové tkáně, navštívil jsem kliniku Cellthera. Vybral jsem si tuto kliniku, protože má největší zkušenosti s podáním vlastních buněk. Nabízí bezpečné a přitom efektivní řešení při bolestech kloubů. Už ani nevím, co je to artróza... Aplikaci vlastních kmenových buněk jsem podstoupil v roce 2014. Zlepšení se dostavovalo postupně. Po dvou měsících jsem začal jezdit na kole a podnikal menší pěší túry. Po půl roce jsem se zúčastnil skialpinistické výpravy do pohoří Kavkaz. Vystoupili jsme na nejvyšší horu Elbrus (5642 m). Příští rok se chystám do Afriky na Kilimandžáro!